Tuesday 24 January 2012

Enter the Dragon

Happy New Year of the Dragon.  The Chinese Year of the Dragon is one of daring, ambition and bubbling energy.  To celebrate this auspicious and grandiose year today's guest card comes from the Dragon Tarot deck, created by Peter Pracownik and Terry Donaldson.

Today's card (drawn randomly from the deck) is the Ace of Wands, which is an excellent card for those of us journeying through Tubby Town.  The Ace of Wands represents the seed of a new project.  This might be newcomers just starting out or those of us longer-standing citizens of Tubby Town turning over a new leaf and getting back on track. 

Our Dragon Ace of Wands is a very auspicious card for us Tubby Towners;  we can see the Dragon surrounded by the items we need to help us on our Tubby Town journey.  Whatever we need is there - a globe and a map of the stars to help us stay in the right direction, books with low Fat Pills recipes and vessels full of water for us to drink.  Everything we need to lose those Tubbies. The tip of the Dragon's Wand glints with the light of PMA (that's Positive Mental Attitude in Tubby Town speak) to keep us on the straight and narrow - narrow being the operative word of course!

So my lovely Tubby Towners - as they say in Chinatown - Gong Xi Fa Cai !

Sunday 22 January 2012

Judgement Time

The Judgement card has definitely been the theme of this week.  This card is taken from the beautiful Gilded deck by Ciro Marchetti.  It's back to business in Tubby Town for everyone after December's excesses, and we are running a team competition to see which loses the most weight between now and Easter.  The teams are Elephants versus Hippos and I am the Hippo team leader.

The Judgement card is about rebirth and renewal, and also confronting, facing up to and letting go of the past.   This describes our week perfectly, both Naughty Nellies and Hottie Hippos (I'm not biased with the adjectives of course).  We are all turning over a new leaf for the Challenge (rebirth and renewal) and are also confronting and coming to terms with our past (everyone has to declare a starting weight for the Challenge).  **ouch**.   I can tell this has pushed a few buttons (or muffin tops), mine included.

Judgement doesn't Judge us though, it is about us preparing to move on to a new beginning, which is characterised by its following card in the tarot - The World - the final major card in a tarot deck.  The end of an era,and the start of a new phase in our lives.

And so my lovely Tubby Towners, that is us as we stand poised on the precipice of the first team challenge of 2012.  Facing up to our indulgent pasts, confronting the weight we see on the scales in front of us, and making those changes we all know in our heart of hearts we have to make.

Good luck to you all, and may we all lose tons of weight - although may the Hippos lose more than the Elephants. (of course!).

See you on the scales!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Back to Basics (Again!)

Looking at how long ago my last post was shows just how bad I have been in the last half of 2011, and I've paid for it. Over half a stone on and seams are groaning.  My jeans run away when they see me coming.

So back to business in 2012.  So, first off, I thought I would draw a Psycard to look at my current state of mind and see what message the cards have for me in this, my first week of starting over. 

Ha! ha! ha! how appropriate, the card I drew was 'The Body'.  This card relates to our physical make-up and bodily well-being (or lack of it).  Well, that couldn't be much clearer could it - The Body - what I need to focus on, and don't I know it.

The caution of this card though is about balance, and that I need to find the happy medium between the couch potato and gym fanatic.  I must admit, the former sounds easier.

So - what else do I need to know regarding The Body, and what's the message from the cards for today?  To find out I thought we would have a bit of James Bond ***whoa!! down girls!***

Today's card is from the Witches Tarot deck which was featured in my favourite Bond film, Live and Let Die.  If you can't recall the tarot-reading scene between Jame Bond (Roger Moore) and Solitaire (Jane Seymour), you can view it here.

Unlike James Bond, I have drawn a very good card for the start of a new campaign - the 2 of Wands which astrologically is Mars in Aries.  Lots of fiery energy and get up and go.  The 2 of Wands signifies a new venture taking shape - ha! ha! just what my Body needs - something to get it into shape.  The point of the 2 of Wands card is that the drive and energy are all in my own hands, see the hand in the picture?  Actually, the picture gave me other thoughts of James Bond as well....

Ok, so message for today - our Body is in our own hands.