To do this reading I decided to use the lovely Vanessa tarot deck, which is very cute, quite girlie and modern. Very appropriate for our lovely mojo ladies. This is the message from my tarot cards for you today:
I shuffled the cards and drew 5 at random in the following order:
What to concentrate on: King of Cups
The King is a 'court' card and these represents people or their characteristics. Kings stand for completion, reaching the pinnacle of a situation. Cups represent emotion, love, feelings and also creative / intuitive energy. This card is telling us to imagine how we will feel when we achieve our goal. We need to remember where we are trying to get to and re-focus on it. This seems to have been forgotten recently.
What to let go of: 7 of Swords
The 7 of Swords is often referred to as the 'deceit' card, and this fits perfectly here - deceiving ourselves that:
The extra glass of wine won't hurt...
Just one more chocolate bar will be fine...
I'm ok counting my points in my head...
Leftovers and crumbs don't have points...
or the famous "I'll start again tomorrow".....and when tomorrow becomes today then there's the next tomorrow to start again...
Interesting that this particular card came up in this position, reinforcing what we already know - what we need to do, or rather - stop doing.
Which card most closely resembles me at the moment: 3 of Swords
This card is commonly associated with unhappiness, pain, sorrow, dark moments. Another truth from the cards. Losing our mojo is a horrible feeling, that loss of control often accompanied by despair and frustration - sometimes also a feeling of helplessness. The 3 of swords has to be acknowledged and confronted. Let it go and move on. Sometimes this card can be saying that it's time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and take back control.
What's holding me back: Page of Coins
Pages are also 'court' cards, but are the younges and represent ideas, embryonic situations or characterstics. Coins are associated with money, material and practical matters, and in terms of timelines are a very slow-moving suit. What is holding us back here is intention, represented by the Page, but not backed up by action. Thinking about things to much and not doing anything about it.
What can push me forward: Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords, another 'court' card, is very clever and intelligent; she also cuts through the crap and can be quite ruthless when she wants to be. We need her drive, determination and single-minded approach to get going again. In other words, what can push us forwards - is ourselves and our will to succeed.
So there it is lovely mojo-seekers. The message from the tarot is that we need to:
- Remember and focus on our goal
- Stop deceiving ourselves
- Stop feeling sorry for ourselves
- Stop thinking about it and start doing it
- Take back control, and be single-minded about it.