Looking at how long ago my last post was shows just how bad I have been in the last half of 2011, and I've paid for it. Over half a stone on and seams are groaning. My jeans run away when they see me coming.
So back to business in 2012. So, first off, I thought I would draw a Psycard to look at my current state of mind and see what message the cards have for me in this, my first week of starting over.
Ha! ha! ha! how appropriate, the card I drew was 'The Body'. This card relates to our physical make-up and bodily well-being (or lack of it). Well, that couldn't be much clearer could it - The Body - what I need to focus on, and don't I know it.
The caution of this card though is about balance, and that I need to find the happy medium between the couch potato and gym fanatic. I must admit, the former sounds easier.
So - what else do I need to know regarding The Body, and what's the message from the cards for today? To find out I thought we would have a bit of James Bond ***whoa!! down girls!***
Today's card is from the Witches Tarot deck which was featured in my favourite Bond film, Live and Let Die. If you can't recall the tarot-reading scene between Jame Bond (Roger Moore) and Solitaire (Jane Seymour), you can view it here.
Unlike James Bond, I have drawn a very good card for the start of a new campaign - the 2 of Wands which astrologically is Mars in Aries. Lots of fiery energy and get up and go. The 2 of Wands signifies a new venture taking shape - ha! ha! just what my Body needs - something to get it into shape. The point of the 2 of Wands card is that the drive and energy are all in my own hands, see the hand in the picture? Actually, the picture gave me other thoughts of James Bond as well....
Ok, so message for today - our Body is in our own hands.
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