Well it's day 2 and half now and still so far so good. Although still early days, I think the sticking to the diet is paying off. I feel better in myself and the 'fat trousers' seems to be easing a bit. Of course - they might have just stretched!
Today's tarot diet inspiration comes courtesy of the delightful 'Vanessa' tarot deck. When I picked the deck up the first card I saw was The Devil.
The Devil of course represents temptation, over-indulgence and excesses. And in this card we see a seductress and a naked man chained to a bed. Not the type of temptation us dieters often get to worry about - and we'd call it exercise and more fun than the gym!
However, life's not like that for us dieters, is it? Temptation tends to come our way much more often in the form of chocloate, wine, cake, crisps, bisbuits and various other calorie-laden goodies. This card is a warning against such temptations (and not men chained to beds!). I wish I'd done this post before lunch because I was tempted to have a small glass of wine with lunch and I gave in. But then the great tarot goddess of dieters stepped in and, after I had drunk a few sips, caused a fly to dive into the glass and drown in it - an omen not to drink it.
Having had the Devil card leap out at me, I then shuffled the cards and drew a random card for today's dieting tip. And lo and behold - it's the 5 of Swords.
This card represents Defeat and compliments The diet Devil perfectly. If you give in to temptation, it will lead to your downfall.
And we've all been there haven't we? Once we over-indulge we then tell ourselves "I've blown it now anyway so I might just as well carry on indulging." And that's what we do - right? And then it's very hard to draw a line and get back on the wagon.
But as we can see in the illustration on the card, the 'winner' only has three of the five swords. So the 'loser' can still pick up the remaining two swords and carry on battling. They might feel at a disadvantage, but all is not lost.
So, fellow dieting friends. even if you do give in to temptation and excess today, just pick up those two remaining swords and get straight back into that Battle of the Bulge. Have a happy day everyone!
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