I recently bought some 'Goddess Power' cards and haven't used them yet - so thought I'd ask them for some Goddess Girl Power messages.
After a good shuffle and cut, the first card I drew was Mary - the Pregnancy / motherhood Goddess. I had a look at the guide book that comes with the cards and all the messages from Mary are about contraception, family and children.
Believe me, I put that card back in the deck quicker than you can say 'Diet Goddess'; ok so can't say 'Diet Goddess' that quickly, but you get my drift. Enough from that card methinks.
So I drew another card - and this time got Pele - the Hawaiian Goddess for all things energy. That's more like it!
Messages from Pele include about the benefits of natural foods rather than short-term processed high sugar quick 'hit' foods. She includes a message about cleaning up my diet and slugging back tons of water. Water - the famous h20. We are meant to drink litres of it each day, which I struggle to do. Other Tubby Town residents swear by it as a weight loss aid. Other messages from Pele include getting out in the fresh air, and exercising - and yoga.
Ok, so that's the theme for this week. Drink more water and do more exercise!
I was rather hoping for something along the lines of drink more wine and eat more chocolate - but I guess that's how I got to Tubby Town in the first place.
Ok scales - let's see how I go and see you on Tuesday.